Monday, April 22, 2013


One needs not to be a specialist to perceive what is happening around us. Our world is threatened by the lack of respect and care for nature. Unmistakably evident, Mother Earth has been ruthlessly exploited and the wanton abuse of its life-nourishing resources puts our home in peril.

Leading the list of growing environmental problems is Global Climate Change. It has created a major threat and is now beginning to cause damage on every part of the world - extreme weather events, changing rainfall patterns, unpredictable fierce storms, rising seas, drought, floods, decline in water supply, worsening food shortage, malnutrition caused by desiccated fields, spread of disease, and loss of coastal lands. Are these not the revenge of Mother Nature against mortals who arouses her wrath?

Mother Earth is not dying. It is killed by the increasing number of people making the Earth not fit to live in for the humanity and for many species of life. We are supposed to take dominion over all things on earth with wisdom and love. But as we reflect on the realities of the times, we have come to realize that our actions are already in contrary to the Creator’s plan.

We cannot continue to disregard the earth. We cannot afford to wait for the signs of an irreversible damage to manifest in our harshly wounded earth. This is our challenge not in the near future but now. Delaying of action could only wreck more havoc.

Everyone plays a crucial role in protecting the earth. We need to have a deepened sensitivity to the environment if we want this world to survive. But of course, this calls for a real conversion in ways of thoughts and deeds of each of us. We need to take a serious look at our lifestyles. Our behavior, attitudes and values must reflect our being stewards of creation.

Are our youth already set themselves to be our value-driven innovators for creation care?

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