Tuesday, April 16, 2013


How swiftly time flies! One year has passed since death took away the life of the person whom we love so dearly. My father’s life was cut short leaving the family with an unimaginable sadness. No words could suffice to convey our grief over his sudden passing. Though he is no longer with us, we believe he is finally at home for being with the Creator is the best place for him.

Today, I can only recount and remember those good moments that I had with him. I really only have few memories that are vividly etched in my heart. Oh yeah, maybe because I remember feelings more than I remember actual moments or I bet I’m cursed with lousy recall.

Anyway, he was a man who didn’t have a lot to say but funny when he decided to talk and at times irritating like a broken phonograph especially when he could not put up with the bickering of his five crazy stubborn but good-looking sons. ^,^ Misunderstanding occurred but it was on our part because as far as he was concerned, he had nothing but the feeling of a real father towards us.

As much as we know him, his was a plain and simple story with low profile. Little did we know that he gradually carved his name into the hearts of many people. It has been so heartwarming to have heard his fellow teachers, friends and students recalling those blissful moments they had with him and how his truthfulness, industry, meekness and pleasant countenance made him a source of inspiration.

He is gone from our sight but he shall live forever in our hearts. Deeply missed but memories will never be put into oblivion especially his signature line – “Aguanta Ning” (Aguanta – a Spanish word which means tough it out or to endure despite hardships; Ning – from his nickname Erning)! A great surge of gratitude rises from our hearts for your unstinted sacrifices and for living a life worthy of emulation.

We know you’re just up there, from the glory of Creator’s Kingdom, prayerfully gazing down upon us.

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