Friday, April 26, 2013


It’s gonna be another long weekend break and holiday in Vietnam!  

Vietnam’s Victory Day, Reunification Day, or Liberation Day is celebrated on April 30 and Labor Day on May 1 - five days off to break free from my routine. ^v^

…so excited to take one of those summer travel alternatives to make the most out of this short holiday…not necessarily venturing out to far places but to a nearby destination that provides a fun getaway in shorter doses and,  of course, within budget! …imagining a sun-drenched beach hjhjhj…we’ll see!

Clocking out will begin few hours from now! Sending you warm holiday hugs, kisses, giggles and cheers! Enjoy!

Monday, April 22, 2013


One needs not to be a specialist to perceive what is happening around us. Our world is threatened by the lack of respect and care for nature. Unmistakably evident, Mother Earth has been ruthlessly exploited and the wanton abuse of its life-nourishing resources puts our home in peril.

Leading the list of growing environmental problems is Global Climate Change. It has created a major threat and is now beginning to cause damage on every part of the world - extreme weather events, changing rainfall patterns, unpredictable fierce storms, rising seas, drought, floods, decline in water supply, worsening food shortage, malnutrition caused by desiccated fields, spread of disease, and loss of coastal lands. Are these not the revenge of Mother Nature against mortals who arouses her wrath?

Mother Earth is not dying. It is killed by the increasing number of people making the Earth not fit to live in for the humanity and for many species of life. We are supposed to take dominion over all things on earth with wisdom and love. But as we reflect on the realities of the times, we have come to realize that our actions are already in contrary to the Creator’s plan.

We cannot continue to disregard the earth. We cannot afford to wait for the signs of an irreversible damage to manifest in our harshly wounded earth. This is our challenge not in the near future but now. Delaying of action could only wreck more havoc.

Everyone plays a crucial role in protecting the earth. We need to have a deepened sensitivity to the environment if we want this world to survive. But of course, this calls for a real conversion in ways of thoughts and deeds of each of us. We need to take a serious look at our lifestyles. Our behavior, attitudes and values must reflect our being stewards of creation.

Are our youth already set themselves to be our value-driven innovators for creation care?

Sunday, April 21, 2013


Hassles are gone! Lately, my laptop went nuts – media player was blank, black screen appeared, unable to close tabs, auto restart, super slow, system not responding…then I had to turn it off, let it cool off, restart, press refresh button many times but ended up just going in circle! It was all messing up!
I was clueless as to how to fix it! I’m not a tech-savvy but not a technotard for sure! Thank goodness, Dave (Nguyen Hoang Duy) came to my rescue and it was like a no-brainer to him repairing, reviving, reformatting and installing useful programs. I’m appreciative of your help in getting my old lappy off its last legs.

Saturday, April 20, 2013


It’s sUmMeRIiMe in Pinas! Yo! …so freakin’ hot at this time of the year but one of the relaxing seasons in my country!
We love summer probably because the sky is no longer overcast with heavy clouds making our day gloomy – NO STORM dude! ;D

Oh! How I miss those summer holidays in the Philippines! I couldn’t help but yearning over those good ol’ days taking me down memory lane.

For sure, all of us would gleefully narrate our fabulous summer experiences - those crazy fun stuff just to beat the scorching heat of the sun. Anyway, we’re not scared getting a sun tan – which looks nice adding a warm glow to the skin.

A typical summer vacation would include chilling out with family, relatives and friends, traditional games, childhood treats, kite flying, movie marathon, swimming, fiestas, summer camps, lip-smacking and refreshing frozen delights ( halo-halo, sorbetes, snowballs, ice candy, etc), and overnight inuman and tirahan sessions (^,^)

Savor the majestic beauty and splendor the Pearl of the Orient has to offer…truly rejuvenating, not to mention the Filipinos who are always wearing a smile, warm and genuine, making each guest feel welcome, special and at home!

I may not be in Pinas to enjoy summer but I’m sure there are many fantastic things to discover and exciting activities to do in Vietnam!
Hey! Any suggestion for a relaxing summer getaway?

Friday, April 19, 2013


What’s the significance of this traditional observance of Hung King’s Memorial Day? I asked my students but some of them just shrugged their shoulders and others could only give tidbits of information. (Si teacher ang binigyan ng homework, hahaha!)
Tenth day of the third lunar month is reverently set to commemorate the death anniversary of Hung King (Hung Vuong), the legendary first emperor and founder of ancient Vietnam. This year, Gi T Hùng Vương as they call it, falls on Friday, 19 April of the Gregorian calendar.
Hung King festival did not become a national holiday in Vietnam until 2007. Attended by state representatives and thousands of Vietnamese gaily clad in colorful costumes , the festival is gloriously celebrated in Hung King Temple in Phu Tho, North Vietnam with full rituals to pay homage to Hung Kings of 18 generations hailed from Hong Bang Dynasty whose regime became the rudiment of Vietnam’s sovereignty.

The ceremonial occasion highlights the procession accompanied by the rhythmic pounding of drums, the lavish five-fruit feast, glutinous rice cake delicacies, dancing and singing of Xoan folk music and other exciting traditional and modern activities.
It’s gonna be a long weekend for most people in Vietnam! Are you chuffed with that? Anyway, I'm looking forward to a fun-filled Gi T Hùng Vương! =)